Investor FAQs

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Where are Cronos Group’s shares traded?
Cronos Group is listed on the NASDAQ and the Toronto Stock Exchange and trades under the ticker symbol CRON.
When did Cronos Group list on those markets?

Cronos Group started trading on the NASDAQ on February 27, 2018. 

Cronos Group was up-listed from the TSX Venture Exchange to the Toronto Stock Exchange on May 23, 2018.

How do I purchase shares of Cronos Group?

In order to purchase and hold Cronos shares, you must go through a broker. If you do not have a brokerage account, you will need to open one.

Does Cronos Group have a direct stock purchase plan?

Cronos Group does not have a direct stock purchase plan.

Can Cronos Group comment on a move in its share price or provide investment advice?

Cronos Group cannot comment on moves in its share price or offer investment advice.

Does Cronos Group pay a dividend? Does it plan to?

The Company does not pay a dividend.

When is Cronos Group’s next quarterly financial report? How can I listen to the webcast?

The release date of the Cronos Group’s quarterly financial statements are publicly disclosed by news release and the financial statements and management’s discussion & analysis for the quarter. These reports are filed on SEDAR, EDGAR and are available on the Cronos Group website. Please check our website for the webcast details.

How can I receive email updates from Cronos Group?

You can receive updates from Cronos Group by signing up for the mailing list.

Can Cronos Group mail financial documents to me?

Yes. Please submit your request for financial documents to

Can I interview someone from Cronos Group?

For media inquiries please email:

When and where is Cronos Group’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders?

The exact date and the location varies from year to year. Cronos Group will publish a news release each year setting the date of the shareholders’ meeting. The location of the meeting is contained in the notice of meeting and information circular mailed to shareholders and available on the Cronos Group’s website.

Who can attend Cronos Group’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders? What do I need to bring to be admitted?

Registered shareholders and proxyholders for registered shareholders, beneficial shareholders and proxyholders for beneficial shareholders, directors and the auditor are entitled to attend the meeting. It is common practice to admit employees and media representatives, but they are not entitled by law to attend. If you are entitled to attend, you must bring the duly completed and executed form of proxy which was provided with the meeting materials mailed to you.

How can I receive a copy of annual reports?

Unaudited Consolidated Financial reports and Management’s Discussion and Analysis reports for Cronos Group are posted here quarterly.

Please visit SEDAR for a complete listing of corporate filings and archived filings for Cronos Group Inc.

How do I submit a shareholder proposal for Cronos Group’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders?

Please review the process in the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) and consult your own legal counsel to prepare and submit a shareholder proposal. Cronos Group cannot provide you with legal advice.

Who are Cronos Group’s independent auditors?

Cronos Groups’ independent auditors are Davidson & Company LLP.

Who is Cronos Group’s stock transfer agent for Canadian documentation?

TSX Trust Company.

When does Cronos Group’s fiscal year-end?

Cronos Group’s fiscal year-end is based on the calendar year. The last day of the fiscal year is December 31.

Who sits on Cronos Group’s board of directors?

Please refer to the Board of Directors section of the Company’s website for the current members of the Company’s board.

Who should I contact to learn more about Cronos Group?

For general inquiries, please contact

What are the CUSIP Numbers for Cronos Group’s stock?

The CUSIP numbers for Cronos Group’s stock is 22717L.