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Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Net Loss and Comprehensive Loss
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Background, Basis of Presentation and Accounting Policies
Inventory, net
Loans Receivable, net
Intangible Assets, net
Derivative Liabilities
Share-based Compensation
Earnings (Loss) per Share
Segment Information
Commitments and Contingencies
Fair Value Measurements
Impairment Loss on Long-lived Assets
Related Party Transactions
Accounting Policies
Background, Basis of Presentation and Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Inventory, net (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Loans Receivable, net (Tables)
Intangible Assets, net (Tables)
Derivative Liabilities (Tables)
Restructuring (Tables)
Share-based Compensation (Tables)
Earnings (Loss) per Share (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Related Party Transactions (Tables)
Notes Details
Background, Basis of Presentation and Accounting Policies (Details)
Inventory, net (Details)
Investments - Schedule of Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (Details)
Investments - Narrative (Details)
Investments - Revaluation of Other Investments (Details)
Loans Receivable, net - Schedule of Loan Receivable (Details)
Loans Receivable, net - Schedule of Expected Credit Loss Allowances (Details)
Intangible Assets, net - Schedule of Intangible Assets (Details)
Intangible Assets, net - Schedule of Intangible Assets Footnote (Details)
Intangible Assets, net - Narrative (Details)
Intangible Assets, net - Schedule of Estimated Future Amortization of Definite-Lived Intangible Assets (Details)
Derivative Liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Derivative Liabilities - Schedule of Reconciliation of Carrying Amounts (Details)
Derivative Liabilities - Schedule of Fair Values of Derivative Liabilities (Details)
Derivative Liabilities - Schedule of Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Restructuring - Narrative (Details)
Restructuring - Costs by Segment (Details)
Restructuring - Restructuring Activity (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Stock-based Compensation Expense (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Stock Options Narrative (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of the Changes in Options (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Schedule of Stock Options Outstanding (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Changes in RSUs (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of DSU Activity (Details)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Changes in Warrants (Details)
Earnings (Loss) per Share - Schedule of Earnings (Loss) Per Share (Details)
Segment Information - Schedule of Segment Data (Details)
Segment Information - Schedule of Adjusted EBITDA (Details)
Segment Information - Schedule of Revenue from External Customers by Geographic Areas (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Schedule of Fair Value of Assets Measured on Recurring Basis (Details)
Impairment Loss on Long-lived Assets (Details)
Related Party Transactions (Details)
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